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 DacEasy Version 14 Upgrade Overview
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Order Entry and Point of Sale

DacEasy Point of Sale and DacEasy Order Entry are two powerful, yet easy-to-use, systems that are perfect for a growing business. These separate add-on modules can be used as stand alone modules or interfaced with DacEasy Accounting for an even more powerful solution!

Features and Enhancements:

New! Inactive Status Flags
Eliminate tedious lookups for active customers, vendors, and more! When you set records as Inactive, these records are omitted from reports, lookups, and may not be used when making transactions. The record and its history will be kept in the database without interfering with current operations. Plus you may purge inactive records and it's history when you no longer need them.

More Professional Looking Forms & Reports
Strengthen your company’s image and branding with more professional looking forms and reports. Now you may include your company logo or other images on reports and forms. Plus, this feature may save your company money by not having to purchase pre-printed forms with your logo.

New! Audit Trail
Improve auditing and defend against potential fraud. With this feature, you have a register of user activity in the system and, optionally, a history of changes made. Audit Trail records insertions, deletions, and modifications of the most relevant master and transaction tables in DacEasy. This log is available to print as you desire.

New! Field Level Security
This feature improves the security of your data and reduces employee mistakes. Keep unauthorized employees from modifying sensitive fields such as pricing and line item discounts on Billing and Purchasing windows.

In addition, this feature closes known security violations from previous versions of DacEasy by disallowing indirect unauthorized user access to certain functions.

Improved! User Access Rights Security
Increase the level of control for current user access rights by assigning add, edit, or delete rights for defined functions of the application. This feature allows you to determine which users can perform certain tasks within Account, Customer, Vendor, Product, and Services functions. You are no longer restricted to assigning ‘access’ or ‘no access’ to users.

For example, you may setup one user to have access to the customer function, but not allow them to delete a customer.

New! Product Illustrations
Easily identify the correct product to sell or purchase within DacEasy with the use of product illustrations. This feature allows you to assign an image to a product so you can reduce mistakes when identifying products with similar descriptions or price.

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